The products are created following a precise process: from the briefing to the delivery, for a complete service at 360°.

Creativity and Design

Products consistent with the request of the customer and creative solutions with an innovative design.

Project and samples

the products are undergone to a research phase which studies the most suitable solution respecting the environment and the regulations in force. After this first step, a prototype of the product is created to be shown to the customer for the approval.


Once the project is approved, the production phase starts. The products are realized inside of the company with a constant monitoring of each step of the productive cycle.

Quality control

The quality control of the product is done on every single piece according to international standards.


The organization of goods’ shipment is done with precision and professionality all around the world.

Customer Service

In every moment you can call the customer service which will answer to your requests.

Via del lavoro, 18/20 35010 Saletto di Vigodarzere (PD)
Tel. +39 049609299 / +39 049601646
Capitale Sociale € 60.000 i.v.
Cod. Fisc. e Part. .IVA 04004060283

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